Project Portfolio
As a reputable HVAC Contractor in Columbus, I provide my services to owners of large multi-unit buildings, private residence, and everything in between. Check out some of my previous projects below and get in touch for more information and to schedule your service.

This particular job was a reinstall that had to be done after shortcuts were made by a handy man install. Remember to always go through a professional like Duff's Mechanical to get the work done properly and safely the first time around.
From Start to Finish
Duff's Mechanical provides service that ensures all facets of the job are completed to have your system running efficiently.

Maintenance on equipment is extremely important to keep it running at its best. This is a service that is offered and, in addition, when your system is having issues, you can trust the team to target these areas first to ensure unnecessary up-charging and replacement isn't occurring. See this before and after of a coil that needed cleaned solving major issues.